
Palaj is a licensed Certified Personal Trainer. Palaj does not promise any results from using her programs, however she has seen several success stories from several of her clients who have followed the same programming given inside the programs here. They have seen major weight loss, overall muscle tone improvement, strength increase, flexibility improvement, overall mobility increase, improved self-confidence, and more!

In order to see or feel changes in your body, it’s important to follow a quality program on a consistent basis and with clean eating habits, however there are no guarantees for when or if you will see results.

The exact same exercise routines and daily nutritional lifestyle do not promise the same results for every person. These programs were created to help give you quality programming as guidance to help you improve in your own fitness and wellness journey.

By engaging in any of Palaj's programs, you also further agree to not hold Palaj and the Palaj brand's team members accountable for any and all liabilities, personal injuries, or losses that may be associated with following this program.